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Training about Contour Farming

Picture: Trainees are observing Nano watershed model (Gentle Slope / Moderate slope / Steep slope)
A Joint Initiative of SAPLING and Soil Resources Development Institute (SRDI),

26-27 April 2017
PREPARED BY: Soil Resources Development Institute (SRDI), BANDARBAN
Introduction: A two days staff Training on Contour farming was organized by the Sustainable
Agriculture and Production Linked to Improved Nutrition Status, Resilience and Gender Equity
(SAPLING) program and conducted by the Soil Resources Development Institute (SRDI),
Bandarban Center from 26 to 27 April, 2017 at SRDI conference room, Bandarban. Total 22
participants were attended in the scheduled training at SRDI Bandarban center. Senior Scientific
Officer (SSO) of SRDI, Bandarban and 2 associates were facilitated this training covering the
topics stated below:

Topics Day
1 Land capability class, vegetation and land use, Micro-economic (house hold)
farming scenario in 3 hill districts.
2 Crop suitability, cropping pattern and methods of soil management considering
different characteristics of hilly soil (Soil PH, Soil texture)
3 Soil erosion, types of soil erosion, causes of soil erosion, harmful effect of soil
erosion and different steps for controlling soil erosion
4 Land slope, determination of slope, Classification of slope, Hill height classes. Day-1
5 What is contour? Advantages of contour farming. Tools for identifying contour
line. What is “A” frame? How to prepare ‘A” frame? Advantages of use “A”
6 Use of “Hedge row” method for reducing soil erosion in cultivation on hilly
7 Different Methods for controlling gully. Use of Jute-Geo textile technology to
recover erosion land.
8 Use of Bench terrace method in contour for cultivation throughout the year in
hilly slope.
9 Soil sample collection method for soil testing. Use of balanced fertilizer and
methods of identification adulterated fertilizer (Practical)
10 Plant nutrient element, Classification, Sources of nutrient, available form of
11 Presentation on research findings of SRDI, Bandarban Day-2
** Field visit to farmer’s field and different research plot in SRDI campus Day-2

Methodology: Training was conducted
both followed lecture method, practical
sessions and field visit at the
demonstration sites for physical
observations of ‘A’ frame using for
contour line preparation and hedge row
preparation, gully control point, soil
erosion determination matrix, geo-jute
application etc.

Picture: SSO of SRDI facilitating the training session in training room
Objectives: Sapling aims to develop around 25 contour farming demonstration plots as part of
learning center over the Life of Award (LOA). Contour farming is a proven technology in CHT
in protecting soil erosions at hill sides of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices. In
CHT (Bandarban) people are used to involve Jhum (slash and burn) cultivation in a traditional
way for crop production. Jhum cultivation ultimately caused for significant soil loss at the hill
sides. Sapling wants to mobilize the beneficiary community to contour farming from traditional
Jhum cultivation through sapling established contour farming demonstration plots.

Participants: A total of 22 sapling project staffs including of 3 Sub-Assistant Agriculture
Officer (SAAO) from Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) were participated the two
days training. The participants were confirmed by the sapling project and it was residential
training. All the participants were very much positive and enthusiastic & actively participated in
each of the training session. In the training, participants were exchanged and shared their views
and ideas openly and expressed that this training was very much effective which would enable
them to serve the sapling purpose.

Pre and Post-test: A pre and post-test was conducted among the participants the results shows
that the participants were attentive and able to increase their interest level and did tremendous
progress in the post-test whose were relatively low scorers in the pre-test. The average score of
pre-test and post-test results is as follows:

Participants Pre-test score
Average score Post-test score
Average score
SAPLING-HKI 60-84% 72% 78-100% 89%
12-84% 48% 78-100% 89%
SAAO-DAE 50-70% 60% 82-94% 88%

Lessons learnt: SRDI is renowned governmental organization is working on soil erosion
controls in CHT areas since 1990. They already are introduced different types of techniques for
sustainable land management. Contour farming is one of them and already established as proven
technology in part of SLM technology; SRDI
is establishing demonstration plots; learning
plots etc. among different communities to
disseminate easy and effective SLM
techniques e.g., contour farming, geo-jute
using etc. for soil erosion control. Now a day,
many people become interested to introduce
contour farming in their agricultural plots but
it is widely practiced on commercial plots.
The training participants were highly
interested and happily received this training
and opined for receiving more training in near
future as soil erosion is a major concern of
Bandarban areas
. Picture: Practical session in the field
Training materials:
o Using lap-top, multi media
o VIPP card, Banner, flip cart
o Bamboo for “A’’ frame, Black board
o Brown paper, marker, folder, posters, leaflets, booklets
o Note pad, Pen and name card etc.
Recommendation: If possible, more training can be conducted with SRDI, as this institute has
so many recognized experts and as a governmental organization SRDI is assigned for reducing
soil erosion in CHT. For all field staff especially for field facilitators (FFs) as they are the front
line staff and directly working with the project participants so it is easy for them to disseminate
message to the participants and convey to mobilize the communities for soil protection in
introducing contour farming in their agricultural plots.

Annex-1: Results of pre and post-test for two days training on Contour farming for
SAPLING project staff and Sub-Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAOs) at SRDI conference
room (26-27 April 2017)

Sl No Name Position Pre-test out of Post-test Out of Organization
1 Aung Kyaw Shan TO-AH 30 50 41 50 HKI
2 Khairul Mostofa FF 31 50 41 50 Caritas


3 Shibly Sadek US 15 50 48 50 Caritas
4 Thoihla Marma FF 12 50 39 50 Caritas
5 Noel Chakma FF 24 50 49 50 Caritas
6 Joney Khyang FF 14 50 47 50 Caritas
7 Atal Chakma TO-Hort 32 50 39 50 HKI
8 Gopan Kanti Chowdhury SAAO 33 50 47 50 DAE
9 Numong Prue SAAO 35 50 47 50 DAE
10 Kamrul Hasan Env. Sp 42 50 50 50 HKI
11 Masud Kabir TO-Hort 35 50 50 50 HKI
12 Kristashi Khisa US 42 50 50 50 Caritas
13 Arup Ratan Chowdhury US 38 50 50 50 Caritas
14 Joynal Abedin US 39 50 50 50 Caritas
15 Sudarshan chakma FF 19 50 49 50 Caritas
16 Sin Mamang Marma FF 6 50 43 50 Caritas
17 Thoi Aung Prue Marma FF 12 50 47 50 Caritas
18 Pinku Chowdhury FF 27 50 43 50 Caritas
19 Salem Bawm FF 24 50 40 50 Caritas
20 Tri Ratna Chakma FF 40 50 47 50 Caritas
21 Nirmal SAAO 25 50 41 50 DAE
22 Way Sai Prue Marma FF 23 50 49 50 Caritas

Annex-2: Some photographs of the training
Picture: Traininig participants are observing SRDI experimental plot in SRDI campus
Picture: Training participants with SRDI Trainer and HKI Director-Food Security